Moroccan Society of Genomics and Human Genetics
The Moroccan Society of Genomics and Human Genetics (Sociètè Marocaine de Gènomique et Gènètique Humaine (SM2GH)) was created in 01 December 2018 and the final approval was obtained by Moroccan Administration in September 2019.
Main Aims:
- Promoting research in genomics and human genetics
- Organising conferences, workshops and training courses on genomics, human genetics, immunogenetics and bioinformatics
- Facilitating contact between the various disciplines and creating a scientific exchange between their members with different profiles related to the genomic field
- Boosting national and international collaboration on genomics and human genetics research
- Promoting biosafety and ethics in genomics and genetic engineering research
Activity organised in 2019:
First International Congress
19 to 21 December, Agadir.
Theme: Bridging Gaps between Genomics and Medicine in Africa
Number of the participants: 130
Number of nationalities present: 13 (USA, Africa, Europe and Middle East)
Official name of the society
Sociètè Marocaine de Gènomique et Gènètique Humaine (SM2GH)
Moroccan Society of Genomics and Human Genetics (SM2GH)
- PresidentKhalid SADKI
When it was founded
Number of current members
Not available yet